I am a massage therapist, I have perhaps the best massage in Bucharest, old school, classic massage for muscle contractions , insomnia, anxiety, lack of energy, stress.
You leave as easy as a flake, you can bend down easily, you sleep well for a few nights, you eliminate toxins through sweat and urine, you have a calm and benevolent mood, without stress or anxiety.
I attended the post-secondary sanitary school ,,Carol Davila ,, for nurses , I graduated in Biology and qualified as a Massage Therapist since 2003, with certificates in: Somatic Massage (Sweedish), Aromatherapy, Primary Cosmetics, Reflexology, Shiatsu focused touch, Trigger points, Medical tapping.
Sunt terapeut maseur ,am poate cel mai bun masaj in Bucuresti , old school , masaj clasic pentru contracturi, insomnie , anxietate , lipsa de energie, stress.
Pleci usor ca un fulg, te poti apleca usor , dormi bine cateva nopti , elimini toxine prin transpiratie si urina , ai o stare de spirit calma si binevoitoare , fara stress sau anxietate .
Am urmat Scoala sanitara posticeala ,,Carol Davila,, -asistent medical generalist, sunt absolventa Biologie si calificat ca Massoterapeut din 2003, cu atestate in :Masaj somatic (Sweedish ), Aromaterapie, Cosmetica primara,Reflexoterapie,Shiatsu focused touch,Trigger points, Medical tapping.
MASSAGE SERVICES FOR THOSE WITH PURE BLOOD, or those vax with maximum 2 doses, those with 3-4 doses please look for masseuses vaccinated.I'm not a fan of transhumanism.
I'm past 50 , I'm in menopause , and I'm glad it happened in covid times , when you have to guard your DNA , I've been practicing abstinence for 7 years combined with yoga techniques of transmutation and energy sublimation , I feel very comfortable this way and there is no topless , nude , sex , fantasies and other stuff you find at erotic masseuses or call girls . At the right time , I assimilated the experience of sexuality and now I am free from this kind of attachment .
SERVICII DE MASAJ PT CEI CU SANGE CURAT, sau cei vax cu maxim 2 doze , cei cu 3-4 doze va rog sa cautati maseuxe vax. Nu sunt fan transhumanism .
Am trecut de 50 de ani , sunt la menopauza, si ma bucur ca s-a intamplat in vremuri de covid, cand trebuie sa iti pazesti ADNul, practic abstinenta de 7 ani combinat cu tehnici yoga de transmutare si sublimare a energiei, ma simt foarte confortabil asa si nu exista in oferta de servicii topless, nud , sex, fantezii limbi si alte alea pe care le gasiti la maseuzele de erotic sau damele de companie .La vremea potrivita , am asimilat experienta sexualitatii si acum sunt libera de acest tip de atasament .

I also offer genital massage services, with or without a release of seminal fluid, using massage techniques, i.e. with the hand, for those who want it, it's a bonus for which I don't take money, it's super, very good, it doesn't work, that's it, I work with the client's material and you haven't spent any money. It includes Karsai movements, designed to ensure decongestion of blood and lymph in the genital area .Since contamination from vax people , through seminal fluid is proven by studies , I sometimes work with fine surgical gloves.
Fac un compromis ,am in oferta de servicii si masaj genital,cu sau fara o eliberare a fluidului seminal ,prin tehnici de masaj ,adica cu mana, pentru doritori, e un bonus pentru care nu iau bani, iese super , foarte bine, nu merge, asta e, lucrez cu materialul clientului si nu ai cheltuit bani. Include miscari din Karsai, menite sa asigure descongestionarea sangelui si limfei din zona genitala .In conditiile in care contaminarea de la persoanele vax , prin fluid seminal e dovedita prin studii , uneori lucrez cu manusi fine chirurgicale.
I use coconut oil and essential oils for moisturizing and lymphatic drainage with detoxification.
* 1 hour = 30-35 min segmental massage, e.g. back, neck muscles, vertebrae repositioning, manipulations to unblock the lumbar area + manual completion (15- min) =150 lei
*1,30 min = 1 hour back massage, buttocks, legs + manual / prostatic fin. =200 lei
* 10-15 min, manual / prostatic end =100 lei.Prostatic massage is not done to people with large and inflamed hemorrhoids, anal fissures, infectious prostatitis, adenoma.It is worked manually without other tools, do enema at home, do not come with rectum full of feces as I refuse to work.
You can find the genital area massages :Best cock massage and prostate massage at Postings of 2015, please read them, click on the link below
Folosesc ulei de cocos si uleiuri esentiale ,pentru hidratare si drenaj limfatic cu detoxifiere.
* 1 ora =30-35 min masaj segmentar , ex deblocam spatele , muschii gatului, reasezam vertebre , manipulari pt deblocare zona lombara + finalizare manuala (15- min ) =150 lei
*1,30 min =1 ora masaj spate , fese, picioare + fin . manuala / prostatic =200 lei
* 10-15 min , fin manuala / prostatic =100 lei .Masajul prostatic nu se face persoanelor cu hemoroizi mari si inflamati , cu fisuri anale , prostatita infectioasa, adenom.Se lucreaza manual fara alte instrumente , faceti clisma acasa , nu veniti cu rectul plin de fecala ca refuz sa lucrez
Gasiti Masajele zonei genitale :Best cock massage si masajul prostatic la Postarile din 2015, rog cititi-le , dati click pe linkul de mai jos
https://martamasaj.blogspot.com/2015/ CE SPUN CLIENTII-FEEDBACK
Am reusit sa imi fac programare astazi la Marta. Voiam un masaj facut profi. Apucasem sa citesc topicul ei, si am plecat cu asteptari mari. La final mi-au fost depasite ! Aveam termen de comparatie un masaj facut la un spa pretentios din capitala, si altul la welnessul Hilton, ambele foarte placute, de altfel. Masajul Martei le-a depasit pe ambele, luate impreuna. Am apreciat si standardul ridicat de igiena, papuci, cearceafuri de unica folosinta si asa mai departe.
Am schimbat cateva idei pe parcursul intalnirii, de la small-talk la informatii intresante despre cum functioneaza corpul uman, dar am reusit in acelasi timp sa ma relaxez adanc. La final m-am bucurat si de masajul genital - o experienta intensa, care trebuie incercata macar o data. Nu stiu daca la mai multe incercari poate da dependenta:)
La final am plecat de la Marta cu 5 ani mai tanar, cu 10 kg mai usor, un pic mai destept, si mult mai flexibil :)
Cand m-am uitat la ceas nu mi-a venit sa cred - peste 3 ore. Marta, imi cer scuze, nu mi-am dat seama cat timp a trecut. Promit sa ma revansez data viitoare !
Multumesc inca o data.
Recomand cu cea mai mare caldura !
I managed to get an appointment today at Marta's. I wanted a professional massage. I had read her topic, and left with high expectations. In the end they were exceeded! I was comparing a massage at a pretentious spa in the capital, and another one at the Hilton welness, both very pleasant. Marta's massage surpassed them both, taken together. I also appreciated the high standard of hygiene, slippers, disposable sheets and so on.
We exchanged a few ideas during the meeting, from small-talk to interesting information about how the human body works, but I managed to relax deeply at the same time. At the end I also enjoyed the genital massage - an intense experience that should be tried at least once. I don't know if it's addictive after several tries :)
In the end I left Marta 5 years younger, 10 kg lighter, a bit smarter, and much more flexible :)
When I looked at the clock I couldn't believe it - over 3 hours. Marta, I'm sorry, I didn't realize how much time had passed. I promise to make up for it next time!
Thanks again.
I highly recommend it!
Sunt mare amator de masaj, merg la Marta de vreo 8 ani, cand sunt in tara, si de fiecare data mi se pare waw. Asta pt ca are vocatie pt aceasta meserie, e , cum spunea cineva, o ,,rara avis,, in peisajul masajului dambovitean,plus ca apreciez femeile care renunta la siguranta jobului de baza (a fost profesoara ) ca sa isi descopere si urmeze vocatia, sa faca ce ii place cu adevarat.
Fac rezervarea cu cateva zile inainte sa ajung si abia astept ma rasfete,sa ii simt mainile ,imi place atingerea , fina, eterata dar si puternica cand este cazul,mereu plec usor de parca asi avea baloane (o suspectez ca imprastie bioenergie, de fapt sunt convins) .Explicatia ei a fost ca lucrand , se deblocheaza si meridianele de energie ,curge energia liber, te ridici pe alta treapta energetica, pleci in astral, adica atipesti nitel sau mai mult, si de aia te simti plutind usor, o fi cum spune, dar nu mi s-a intamplat asta in alte parti pe unde am mai fost la masaj.Si nu , nu e nici de la uleiurile esentiale , e de la ea , din prezenta , din ce face , din atmosfera creata.
Cateodata avem conversatii interesante, cateodata adorm sau sunt asa, intr-un fel de transa in care nu vreau sa scot un sunet, doar sa simt cum aluneca palmele , sunt multe momente senzuale ,excitante ,presarate de-a lungul sedintei.
Masajul de la final, The Best cock massage ,e chiar the best, tine foarte aproape de miscarile din video,si orgasmul final se imprastie in tot corpul, ca o ploaie de placere, recomand in combinatie cu masajul prostatic, e foarte intensa senzatia.Dupa prostatic, am constatat o erectie mai puternica si mai lunga in zilele urmatoare, atentie ca nu face daca ai hemoroizi, fisuri anale sau infectie la prostata.In plus , are o tehnica foarte interesanta , cu respiratii si contractii, foarte blanda, am aplicat-o acasa cu partenera ,cu succes nesperat.
De erotic nud sau sex, nici vorba, sta imbracata cu short si tricou, dar nu mai conteaza , experienta iese din tiparele comune si am sa-i tin tel salvat cat timp va fi de gasit.
Nu ratati asa ceva , o sa aveti un punct de reper foarte bun cand mergeti altundeva la masaj .
I'm a big fan of massage, I've been going to Marta for about 8 years when I'm in the country, and every time I find it waw. That's because she has a vocation for this profession, she is, as someone said, a "rara avis" in the landscape of Dambovitean massage, plus I appreciate women who give up the security of her basic job (she was a teacher) to discover and follow her vocation, to do what she really likes.
I make the reservation a few days before I arrive and I can't wait to be pampered, to feel her hands, I like her touch, soft, ethereal but also strong when needed, I always leave as easily as if I had balloons (I suspect she is spreading bioenergy, in fact I am convinced). Her explanation was that by working, the energy meridians are unblocked, the energy flows freely, you rise to another energy level, you go into the astral, that is to say you sleep a little or more, and that's why you feel floating easily, it may be as she says, but this has not happened to me in other places where I've been to massage.And no, it's not from the essential oils, it's from her, from her presence, from what she does, from the atmosphere created.
Sometimes we have interesting conversations, sometimes I fall asleep or I'm in a kind of trance where I don't want to make a sound, just feel the palms sliding, there are many sensual, exciting moments sprinkled throughout the session.The massage at the end, The Best cock massage, is really the best, it keeps very close to the movements in the video, and the final orgasm spreads all over the body, like a rain of pleasure, I recommend in combination with the prostate massage, it is very intense sensation. After prostatic, I found a stronger and longer erection in the following days, beware that it does not do if you have hemorrhoids, anal fissures or prostate infection.In addition, has a very interesting technique, with breathing and contractions, very gentle, I applied it at home with my partner, with unexpected success.
Erotic nude or sex, no way, she is dressed in shorts and t-shirt, but it does not matter, the experience is out of the common patterns and I will keep her phone saved as long as it will be found.
Don't miss out on this, you'll have a very good point of reference when you go somewhere else for a massage.
Sunt mare amator de masaj, merg la Marta de vreo 8 ani, cand sunt in tara, si de fiecare data mi se pare waw. Asta pt ca are vocatie pt aceasta meserie, e , cum spunea cineva, o ,,rara avis,, in peisajul masajului dambovitean,plus ca apreciez femeile care renunta la siguranta jobului de baza (a fost profesoara ) ca sa isi descopere si urmeze vocatia, sa faca ce ii place cu adevarat.
Fac rezervarea cu cateva zile inainte sa ajung si abia astept ma rasfete,sa ii simt mainile ,imi place atingerea , fina, eterata dar si puternica cand este cazul,mereu plec usor de parca asi avea baloane (o suspectez ca imprastie bioenergie, de fapt sunt convins) .Explicatia ei a fost ca lucrand , se deblocheaza si meridianele de energie ,curge energia liber, te ridici pe alta treapta energetica, pleci in astral, adica atipesti nitel sau mai mult, si de aia te simti plutind usor, o fi cum spune, dar nu mi s-a intamplat asta in alte parti pe unde am mai fost la masaj.Si nu , nu e nici de la uleiurile esentiale , e de la ea , din prezenta , din ce face , din atmosfera creata.
Cateodata avem conversatii interesante, cateodata adorm sau sunt asa, intr-un fel de transa in care nu vreau sa scot un sunet, doar sa simt cum aluneca palmele , sunt multe momente senzuale ,excitante ,presarate de-a lungul sedintei.
Masajul de la final, The Best cock massage ,e chiar the best, tine foarte aproape de miscarile din video,si orgasmul final se imprastie in tot corpul, ca o ploaie de placere, recomand in combinatie cu masajul prostatic, e foarte intensa senzatia.Dupa prostatic, am constatat o erectie mai puternica si mai lunga in zilele urmatoare, atentie ca nu face daca ai hemoroizi, fisuri anale sau infectie la prostata.In plus , are o tehnica foarte interesanta , cu respiratii si contractii, foarte blanda, am aplicat-o acasa cu partenera ,cu succes nesperat.
De erotic nud sau sex, nici vorba, sta imbracata cu short si tricou, dar nu mai conteaza , experienta iese din tiparele comune si am sa-i tin tel salvat cat timp va fi de gasit.
Nu ratati asa ceva , o sa aveti un punct de reper foarte bun cand mergeti altundeva la masaj .
150 lei - she told me that this is a low price since the beginning of the pandemic for those affected financially, and it is to be appreciated the effort made in favour of the massage consumers community. The old clients, those who have been working permanently, and even received salary increases, pay 200, best deal, for 1 hour and a half of massage plus bonus - still free - best cock or prostate massage.Foreigners pay 50 euro for 2 hours, the price of one hour of massage, in any EU country, without happy ending.
This attitude of solidarity and generosity you only see in a masseuse who respects her vocation and clients, personally I am convinced that anywhere in another country, she would have a full agenda and an income that would allow her a decent living, maybe even a holiday like the ones we tell her about when we visit her.
You get there simply and easily if you enter from Colentina on Teiul Doamnei, just 50 meters is Sectia 7 politie, right next to it you turn right and the lady leads you to the parking lot, in the evening you find a place on the sidewalks.
The location is clean and quiet, good vibes - lots of plants, a small greenhouse on the balcony with huge ferns, the hobby of a biologist, the cats are friendly and playful, special music, 432 hz, calming, relaxing.
I also liked the table , wide and solid , heated , extremely comfortable , disposable supplies , hot coconut treatment and essential oils , like at Balinesse , it also has an air filtering machine in the room , with ozone and negative ions , this I haven't seen in many private places where you stay without a mask.
She is a mature,good looking lady, very natural , no make-up, nothing fancy, nothing provocative,with a balanced and polite attitude , works in short pants and a blouse for the whole session, you can touch her legs, she has a fine, pleasant skin.
Less than a minute after she put her hands on me - she has a particular, loving touch, I would recognize her anytime after this touch - I relaxed completely, she has a soothing voice so I fell asleep a few times, when the session was over she wiped me down with paper, she worked meticulously, patiently, with the right pressure, sprinkled with sensual touches, it was for me, the best massage I have had in years.
Best cock, it's like in the video and with a few extra moves to get the blood flowing freely, I had the strongest erection for a happy ending, with the feeling of either a real blow job or vaginal sex, amazing what she could do with the hands only,an unexpectedly intense orgasm, don't ask for this if you have problems with premature ejaculation, you won't last the whole way.
Topless, nude, sex, there is no such thing with her, just massage, you take what you're offered and it's more than you expect to get.
On leaving , she asked me if I had a pleasant experience , I was overwhelmed , I felt light and in good mood , I could bend over easily , my back jams were a memory , I was in this state for a few days and nights where I slept for almost 8 hours , without taking sleeping pills or drinking anything , I recommend with an open heart .
150 de lei - mi-a spus că acesta este un preț mic de la începutul pandemiei pentru cei afectați financiar și este de apreciat efortul depus în favoarea comunității consumatorilor de masaj. Clienții vechi, cei care au lucrat permanent, ba chiar au primit și măriri de salariu, plătesc 200, cea mai bună ofertă, pentru o oră și jumătate de masaj plus bonus - tot gratis - cel mai bun masaj de penis sau de prostată. 50 de euro plătesc străinii pentru 2 ore, prețul unei ore de masaj, în orice țară din UE, fără happy-end.
Această atitudine de solidaritate și generozitate nu o vezi decât la o maseuză care își respectă vocația și clienții, personal sunt convins că oriunde în altă țară, ar avea o agendă plină și un venit care i-ar permite un trai decent, poate chiar o vacanță ca cele pe care i le povestim când o vizităm.
Ajungi simplu și ușor dacă intri dinspre Colentina pe Teiul Doamnei, la doar 50 de metri este Secția 7 politie, chiar lângă ea faci dreapta și doamna te conduce până la parcare, seara găsești un loc pe trotuare.
Locația este curată și liniștită, vibrații bune - multe plante, o mică seră pe balcon cu ferigi uriașe, hobby-ul unui biolog, pisicile sunt prietenoase și jucăușe, muzică specială, 432 hz, liniștitoare, relaxantă.
Mi-a plăcut și masa , largă și solidă , încălzită , extrem de confortabilă , consumabile de unică folosință , tratament cu cocos cald și uleiuri esențiale , ca la Balinesse , are și un aparat de filtrare a aerului în cameră , cu ozon și ioni negativi , asta nu am văzut în multe locuri private unde stai fără mască .
Este o doamnă matură,arătoasă,foarte naturală ,fără machiaj,nimic fantezist,nimic provocator,cu o atitudine echilibrată și politicoasă ,lucrează în pantaloni scurți și bluză pe toată durata ședinței si îi poți atinge picioarele,are o piele fină și plăcută.
La mai puțin de un minut după ce a pus mâinile pe mine - are o atingere deosebită, iubitoare, aș recunoaște-o oricând după această atingere - m-am relaxat complet, are o voce liniștitoare așa că am adormit de câteva ori, când s-a terminat ședința m-a șters cu hârtie, a lucrat minuțios, cu răbdare, cu presiunea potrivită, presărată cu atingeri senzuale, a fost pentru mine, cel mai bun masaj pe care l-am făcut în ultimii ani.
Best cock massage , e ca în videoclip și cu câteva mișcări în plus pentru ca sângele să circule liber, am avut cea mai puternică erecție pentru un final fericit, cu senzația fie a unui sex oral adevărat, fie a unui sex vaginal, uimitor ce a putut face doar cu mâinile,un orgasm neașteptat de intens, nu cereți asta dacă aveți probleme cu ejacularea precoce, nu veți rezista până la capăt.
Topless, nud, sex, nu există așa ceva cu ea, doar masaj, iei ce ți se oferă și e mai mult decât te aștepți să primești.
La plecare , m-a întrebat dacă am avut o experiență plăcută , am fost copleșit , mă simțeam ușor și bine dispus , mă puteam apleca ușor , blocajele de spate erau o amintire , am fost în această stare câteva zile și nopți în care am dormit aproape 8 ore , fără să iau somnifere sau să beau ceva , recomand cu inima deschisă .
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If you CANT comprehend it and you are still going to argue with me and not the content creator,you are just a retard who cant read.
Never argue with an idiot
Idiot will always bring you down to his level and ALWAYS will defeat you with experience
I am sick of people asking: where is proof?
A lot of people is just lazy as FCK and expect everything will be given to them on a golden platter!
This channel is created to give info about certain topics
Do your own research in the particular matter you are interested in!
You can bring horse to water but you cant make him drink!
Where is proof?
QUESTION: Why I Do What I Do?https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/%F0%9F%94%B4%E2%AD%90%EF%B8%8F%F0%9F%94%B4(Must-Watch)The-Truth-about-Evidence-and-Proof---The-Proof-Is-Here-(Examine-Your-System-of-Beliefs):d?
1.Read this comment section in full
2.Watch and listen - content of video will explain everything
https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Truth-about-Answer-to-the-Question...---WHY:dYOU SHOULD WATCH THIS as well
I challenge you to watch it without any emotions
Its worth to mention that 'our ELITES' are highly involved in this behavior
https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/These-Little-Ones-(2022-Full-Documentary):5Keep conversation as civil
If you are going to leave comment you should watch
Trolls will be blocked
COVID-Combination Of Vaccination and IDentification
It is easier to deceive people than to convince them they have been deceived!
James Bullard-Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President
"Planned,organized,partial shut down of US economy during 2nd quarter of 2019"
We know the PLANdemic was introduced and imposed not only in the USA
How did they know there will be pandemic?
Thats why its called PLANdemic
To understand what is going on,we need go back to basics
GovernMent from Greek and Latin (combined) consisted of 2 parts:
Govern/Kuberna (Greek) means to rule/to guide
Ment (Latin mente) means mind/thought
Connecting those 2 words means TO RULE/GUIDE YOUR MIND/THOUGHT
To understand what is going on we need get back to basics again: Anarchy original definition
Not changed and adjusted by the global agenda narrative by adding for example connections with Marxism or 'far left-wing movement' BS.
In ancient Greece the chief magistrate in various Greek city states was called archon/arkhia/άρχια (ruler)
An Archon (Greek ἀναρχία - anarkhia) - WITHOUT ruler
To be real anarchist means that you dont want to be RULED by anyone (inc. govs)-THATS ALL.
True anarchist means to be individual who does not want to be ruled by anyone-thats all
If someone call himself as an anarchist but he riots and burns
He does not know what anarchy stands for and he is using this phrase to his own gain
It's obvious that media changed the definition of the word anarchist
Today,by mainstream media,anarchist is called the person who burns,destroys,riot
Thats the Incendiary and Rioter-basic definition again
BLM are NOT anarchists!
Patrice Cullors Co-Founder:'We are TRAINED Marxists/Communists'
They were/are paid Rioters who burn and destroyhttps://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/The-Truth-about-BLM-(Marxists)---Black-Lives-Matter-is-Led-by-Trained-Marxists-(Patrice-Cullors-Co-Founder-in-Her-Own-Words)(Marxists-and-Communists):e
How they are used & for what reason
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